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minimising losses中文是什么意思

用"minimising losses"造句"minimising losses"怎么读"minimising losses" in a sentence


  • 减少损失


  • Farmers and fish pond owners should take necessary precautions to minimise losses
  • A fish health management programme is in place to help fish farmers minimise losses due to fish diseases
  • Upon receipt of reports of fish kill or complaints of water quality changes , investigations will be carried out and advice on appropriate mitigatory measures to minimise loss will be provided to the fish farmers
  • Farmers and fish pond owners , particularly those in low lying or flood frequented areas , should take the necessary precautions to minimise losses , which include checking and clearing the drainage system within and around the farm fish ponds to ensure that all the drains are not blocked
  • Farmers and fish pond owners , particularly those in low lying or flood frequented areas , should take the necessary precautions to minimise losses , which include checking and clearing the drainage system within and around the farmfish ponds to ensure that all the drains are not blocked
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